Customer Management System

Customer Management System: Beginner’s Guide

Implementing a customer management system is a strategic decision that can change the future of your company. This tool, which allows you to bring together all the data of your buyers on a single platform, streamlines workflows and provides more productivity for teams.

To help you get off to a good start, we have prepared this guide where you will find all the information you need to clear up your doubts and make an intelligent decision about the resources you offer to your support agents.

What is a customer management system?

The customer management system is a technology to manage a company’s interactions with its current or potential consumers. Also known as Customer Relationship Management (CRM) in English, it aims to help organizations be present when and where they need them.

When people talk about CRM , they usually mean a customer tracking system, a tool that helps with marketing , sales , and support management .

By building an organized, centralized and shared knowledge base with all teams, you optimize internal processes and profitability. The collaborative spirit encourages data collection at all stages, making it easier to identify issues and opportunities in a timely manner.

It doesn’t matter if the client is asking an agent for help or trading securities with a representative: both will have the information necessary to perform their role with excellence.

Why is it important to offer an integrated experience? 73 % of consumers point to this characteristic as a determining factor in their purchasing decisions, behind the price and quality of the product.

Given the importance of maintaining and perfecting relationships with them, the CRM system provides a better way to manage the aspects that drive success .

If you think that your organization is still too small to adopt customer management software, we tell you that 91% of companies with more than 11 employees use the CRM system.

What is a customer management system for?

The client management platform presents different functions for clients, agents and managers. Keep reading and discover them!

For the client

According to Zendesk’s 2023 CX Trends Report , 70% of consumers spend more with companies that offer seamless, personalized, and seamless experiences. Adopting a management system can help you avoid abandonment and foster loyalty , since:

1. Provide personalized interactions

The ability to use individual data to deliver exactly what customers need, exactly when they require it, is a competitive advantage. 48 % of consumers expect special treatment and 33% would stop doing business with you if they lack personalization.

2. Eliminates the need to repeat yourself

Having to repeat yourself several times can make the person feel ignored. In fact, Zendesk’s 2023 CX Trends Report found that this is one of the most frustrating aspects of the experience for 60% of customers. With a customer database you can identify trends by age and region, as well as provide contextual support.

Download the CX Trends 2023 Report for free and find out about customer expectations.

3. Allow self-service

Customers want the ability to solve problems for themselves. To give you an idea, there was a 65% increase in visits to resources like help centers and FAQs since February 2020. CRM software helps reduce ticket volume with data-driven solutions.

4. Leave room for feedback

Customers have a more favorable view of brands that solicit and accept their opinion. Customer relationship management systems facilitate and expand the collection of feedback across multiple touchpoints.

For agents

According to Bain and Company , a 5% increase in customer retention produces 25% more revenue. How to achieve it in your company? Give your agents the tools they need to help your customers.

1. Automation of routine activities

According to a Nucleus Research survey , automation can increase productivity by up to 20%. A client management system can reduce repetitive workload and free up agents to offer more detailed attention to whoever needs it.

2. Ticket creation and distribution

Channel integration speeds up the first response from the support team by 25 minutes, according to Zendesk Benchmark .

A customer relationship management software allows you to create tickets , assign them to the right agents, and categorize them according to your need. This speeds up problem resolution and leads to greater customer satisfaction.

3. Omnichannel approach

A Statista survey revealed that 48% of e-commerce businesses consider the omnichannel strategy to be very important for their company. The appeal is clear: it is possible to integrate all contact channels and centralize user information. Thus, the agents are always aware of what is happening.

Watch this video and discover how an omnichannel solution works:

4. Collaboration with other agents

A customer management system facilitates the collaboration of agents at different levels. If someone at the help desk cannot resolve the issue, she can easily transfer the ticket to a specialized agent.

For managers

According to Harvard Business Review (HBR), reaching new customers can be 25 times more expensive than retaining existing ones. Adopting a customer management system can help you stay on budget and increase the loyalty of your audience .

1. Building a customer database

5 out of 10 people decide to trust a brand if they have a positive experience, according to Edelman . A CRM helps you collect relevant data to improve your acquisition, nutrition and retention strategy.

2. Track performance metrics

Most companies have made little attempt to identify areas they could improve if they were not related to their revenue. In fact, 77% do not monitor or consider cause-and-effect relationships between different metrics.

A CRM software gives you access to information such as the volume of tickets resolved in the month, average response time per agent and level of customer satisfaction.

3. Easy data viewing and storage

6 out of 10 companies suffer from disorganized, duplicate and inconsistent data. Customer relationship management systems make it easy to collect, process, and display the information you need to make strategic decisions .

4. Automatic reports and analysis

According to McKinsey & Company , retailers that exploit data analytics at scale across their organizations could increase their operating margins by more than 60%. An appropriate management tool allows you to generate reports and trend analysis when you need it.

What are the advantages of using a customer management platform?

With 89 million users connected to the Internet, Mexico is one of the most active countries in the digital universe. In relation to e-commerce, what do people do?

  • Search for a product or service before purchasing it (69%);
  • Visit an e-commerce website (91%);
  • Make a purchase through a computer or mobile device (40% and 44%, respectively).

Knowing that 6 out of 10 consumers contact support, it may be time to adopt a customer management system. Take a look at the 4 advantages of using it!

1. More efficiency

One- third of customers want to resolve their issue in a single interaction, and we all know that speed can contribute to satisfaction.

Customer management and monitoring makes agents more informed and can reduce response times.

2. More sales

Following up with customers with CRM software can help you boost your profits and SMEs confirm this: 61% revealed that more than half of their annual income comes from regular consumers.

That means companies are expanding the number of people who have purchased more than once, saving them time and money.

With a type of customer record program , you can collect relevant information and personalize the sales process from the prospecting stages. Thus, you create more opportunities for conversion and business development .

3. More ROI

What makes your products and services more attractive than those of your competitors? Your clients should feel that you know them better than anyone else and that you have thought of solutions specifically for them.

Customer management software provides the detailed data marketers need to create this experience:

  • Individual information (name, age, city, social networks);
  • Purchase history (last orders, average ticket);
  • Conversations with sales representatives;
  • Support requests (frequency, recurring problems, support provided by agents).

And this strategy brings concrete results: it can increase revenue by 41% and improve customer retention by up to 27%.

4. More satisfaction

8 in 10 top-performing companies report paying close attention to the human experience around digital and technology, according to PWC. CRM software provides speed, convenience, friendliness and knowledge. And it gives your agents more time to serve customers who need to speak to a real person.

Types of CRM by function: operational, analytical and collaborative

We have seen what a customer management system is , what it is for and what its advantages are. Now is the time to deepen your knowledge and understand the difference between the types of software on the market.

Let’s start by analyzing Operational CRM , Analytical CRM and Collaborative CRM . This division takes into account the priority of each one, as you will see in detail below.

Customer management system or operational CRM

Like a midfielder, the Operative CRM assumes various positions throughout the game. Its main objective is to articulate the different parts of your company and make them function fluidly.

Generally, it is responsible for automating processes and tasks. This way, you can provide a better experience for the consumer and more efficiency for the teams.

What do you get with that?

  • Reduce the number of tools used;
  • Increase visibility and organizational transparency ;
  • More fluid and efficient processes;
  • Single interface for all departments, allowing your team to collaborate with each other.

Customer management system or analytical CRM

How many people do you need to organize and decipher the mountains of data you collect daily? Probably a room full of data analysts, statisticians, and other experts.

Although these professionals are essential, an analytical CRM can certainly shorten this process. This type of software works to make data available, intelligible, and relevant to your business needs .

Basically, it collects the information generated, stores it securely, and analyzes it so you can learn how to improve operations.

Since 25% of consumers believe most companies handle their sensitive personal data responsibly, this is your chance to prove them right.

What do you get with that?

  • Gain more visibility into your customer base, preferences and behaviors;
  • Segment customers based on habits ;
  • Predict consumer trends;
  • Plan marketing and sales strategies.

Collaborative CRM or customer management system

Dialogue is the starting point for any healthy relationship and this is no different in business. Collaborative CRM is a tool focused on improving the customer experience.

As it does? Generate better information for your teams and make them work in harmony.

This type of software provides tracking and sharing of data as you run your daily operations. So that no one is left out, it offers integrations with other applications and programs.

No matter where you start a conversation, it’s easy to move to other channels and continue your work seamlessly. Some even offer the ability to connect with suppliers and distributors outside your organization.

What do you get with that?

  • Centralize information collected through multiple channels;
  • Make data available to all teams in real time;
  • Chat with the customer on the channel of their choice;
  • Provide contextual support.

Types of CRM by hosting: Local CRM vs. CRM in the Cloud

The customer management system can also be classified in terms of its hosting, that is, where the information is stored.

Since 92% of consumers believe that companies should be proactive in protecting their data, it is essential to know the difference between on-premises CRM and cloud CRM.

Local CRM

It is software installed on your company’s hardware. After purchasing the usage license, you are responsible for system maintenance and updates.

That involves on-site servers. Your teams will only be able to work on devices that have access to the software, making it difficult to grow your business or even work remotely .

The initial cost is usually higher, but you generally won’t have to pay other fees in the long run. It is common in large industries, which have lavish budgets and hundreds of professionals dedicated to taking care of it.

CRM in the cloud

It is a software as a service ( SaaS ) solution and has become standard in organizations of all sizes.

Essentially, you pay a subscription and can access the system through any internet-connected device. This cross-platform functionality brings more flexibility to teams and improves the work experience.

In this case, the data is stored on remote servers and its entry is automated. A cloud-based solution is easier to change and integrate with other applications. Plus, prices are usually lower, with pre-configured or open source options .

Each provider stores data differently. Therefore, it is important to ask everything you want before purchasing software.

Who uses CRM in the cloud? The success story of Lonely Planet

If you like to travel, you’ve probably heard of Lonely Planet . The company helps you discover, plan and book your perfect trip with expert advice, travel guides, destination information and inspiration.

That requires a strong team: there are more than 400 employees and 27 support teams. In addition to requests for help, the company also receives a high volume of travel tips and advice from its community of travelers.

To handle more than 5,000 thousand monthly tickets , Lonely Planet decided to sign up for a free trial of Zendesk Service , an integrated customer service tool. The result? Audiences are happier and productivity is higher than ever.

Mobile CRM: what is it and when to use it?

Mobile CRM is a version of your customer management system that can be accessed from a smartphone, tablet, and other mobile devices.

Sales representatives often need to get away from the computer and meet potential customers in person. Mobile CRM allows you to access up-to-date information and manage agreements from anywhere and at any time.

Nothing better than working smarter and faster, right? In fact, sales reps increased productivity by 15% when they had mobile access to CRM applications.

3 advantages of mobile CRM

What else can a mobile CRM do for you? Discover the three main benefits of such a customer management system:

1. Individual objectives achieved

According to Zendesk’s Guide to Mobile CRM , based on data from the Aberdeen Group, sales reps who use it are 12% more likely to meet their individual sales quotas .

The ability to sync contacts and events on your phone reduced the need to update information across different systems.

2. Higher customer retention rate

The aforementioned study also revealed that sales teams that use mobile CRM retain 16% more customers . Because? They didn’t have to wait until they got back to the office to help the customer.

They could take a look at the person’s order and information right from their phone and resolve the issue quickly.

3. Shorter sales cycle

According to a Nucleus Research study , a rep’s mobile access to data helps shorten their sales cycle by an average of 8-14%.

The ability to manage your portfolio, clients, prospects and deals at all times makes 24/7 productivity possible. The more tasks you can manage on the fly, the faster you can complete them and shorten the sales cycle.

What is the difference between CRM and CMS?

With so many acronyms and new tools emerging every day, it’s easy to get confused. But do not worry! We will help you understand the difference between CRM and CMS.

Customer Relationship Marketing (CRM)

The customer management system or CRM is a platform to manage interactions with your leads and customers. It is a type of software that provides you with a customer and business registration format. From this, you can collect information from various channels and centralize it in a single interface. You can also analyze data, obtain insights and make forecasts.

Content Management System (CMS)

Also known in Spanish as a content management system , the CMS is a technology that helps you create, edit and publish content on your website. Through a simple and intuitive interface, you can make changes whenever you want, without requiring in-depth technical information. WordPress is one of those tools.

What is the difference between CRM and ERP?

The CRM deals with customer management and monitoring. On the other hand, ERP organizes the entire supply chain that makes your business activity run in a simple way. Still finding it confusing? We’ve put together a quick guide to answer your top questions.

What is ERP?

ERP is the English acronym for Enterprise Resource Planning . It is a technology that deals with enterprise resource planning , that is, everything that involves producing, maintaining and distributing your products. Also manages issues related to workforce and external suppliers.

What is ERP for?

A customer management system allows all teams to work in harmony and always be informed, right? The problem is that other areas of your company, such as human resources or the financial department, tend to be more dispersed and disconnected. An ERP helps coordinate activities that were previously distant.

ERP usage example

Imagine that you have a clothing store and your supplier has not yet delivered the fabrics you need. The purchasing department enters this event into the ERP system, which, in turn, immediately notifies those responsible for inventory management. That way, they can plan for the eventual shortage of some products.

If a customer tries to purchase a dress that uses this fabric, for example, the order will not be completed. The ERP then notifies the sales team and the CRM enters the picture, warning the customer that this product is not available.

Customer management software for SMEs: where to start?

The National Institute of Statistics, Geography and Informatics (INEGI) published a study on micro, small and medium-sized companies in Mexico.

When analyzing data on the productivity, competitiveness and management capabilities of thousands of SMEs, it was found that only 25% of companies are dedicated to solving problems in the production process. This means that only 1 in 4 companies take concrete steps to avoid future customer frustration.

The report also revealed that 73.7% of medium-sized companies allocate time and resources to training their teams, while only 11.5% of microbusinesses do the same. A customer management system can benefit organizations of all sizes and experts agree with that.

The Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) believes that technology can be a great ally for SMEs. Advantages include access to strategic resources (skills, finances and knowledge), increased productivity and the ability to better compensate employees.

If you have questions about how customer relationship management systems can add value to your daily life, here are some examples:

Customer management and monitoring

Imagine a program for customer records where you can collect everything that matters: name, age, marital status, city, purchase history, behavior patterns… A customer management system creates a unified circuit of knowledge, where each team contributes data and shares them with other departments in real time.

Practical example of the use of a CRM

Roberta, from the marketing team, launched a campaign to identify potential customers. Information collected on landing pages, for example, is automatically sent to Benito, a sales team representative.

With this data in hand, he can send other relevant content and answer the main questions about the products you sell. It is possible to make personalized recommendations based on the preferences that the lead indicated in the first interactions, bringing them closer to the purchase decision.

After making the purchase, the customer may have questions about the delivery or want to provide feedback about their experience. Manuel, a support team agent, will have access to your purchase history and will be able to resolve any issues quickly. In addition, she manages to include the opinion in a customer database and record valuable details of the process.

Happy and productive agents

According to Gallup , people who use their strengths every day dedicate themselves 6 times more intensely to work . If you want your support agents to be happier, 8% more productive and 15% less likely to quit their jobs, give them customer relationship management software.

Advantages of having happier agents

  • They will be able to establish an instant connection with the client;
  • They will provide proactive support;
  • They will know when to route a ticket to a more knowledgeable agent;
  • They will function well under pressure without losing empathy;
  • They will have the precise data to resolve problems in a timely manner.

More profitable businesses

A survey carried out with SMEs in Spain revealed that 91% of entrepreneurs do not take advantage of their investment in social networks. To give you an idea, 15% don’t even try to do it. The reasons are diverse: they do not know which metrics to use, what data to observe and what to infer from them.

Adopting a customer management system will help you save resources and make your businesses more profitable. According to Nucleus Research , companies that continue to make new investments in customer databases tend to generate more revenue. In fact, the ROI has increased from $5.60 to $8.71 for every dollar spent.

8 frequently asked questions to choose your customer management system

If you’ve made it this far, you’re ready to make a conscious and informed decision. We have prepared a list with 8 questions so that you do not forget anything and get the most out of the chosen tool.

1. How long will it take to implement customer management software?

Time is money and you don’t want to waste any of it, right? A client system allows you to get to work in less than a day. It’s very easy to implement and start solving your most important customer service problems.

2. What are the technical requirements?

If you are going to adopt a cloud CRM , all you need is a device with an internet connection. This means that to access your work environment you just have to open a website and log in. It’s worth asking what features your Internet needs to be stable and support multiple users simultaneously.

3. Is it possible to connect external programs or applications?

Customer relationship management systems often offer integrations with applications you already use in your company, such as Slack for internal communication or WhatsApp Business for chatting with prospects. Make sure the tools you need are included before you hire.

4. Is data secure in a customer management system?

According to McKinsey & Company , 87% of people would not do business with a company if they have concerns about the security of their data. The customer management and tracking system must adopt specific practices to ensure data integrity, such as encryption, for example.

5. What will the training process be like for your teams?

4 out of 10 customer management system users use less than half of the available resources. To make your investment in a tool like this worthwhile, make sure the provider provides an onboarding process. That is, someone dedicated to oversee the implementation of the software and the training of your team.

6. How many support tools will your team need to use each day?

According to an Accenture study , 59% of sales representatives believe they use too many tools in their routine. The more they have to access, update and monitor, the lower the performance.

Instead of choosing a customer management system that handles a small part of the process, opt for a solution that offers an integrated experience (for your customers and your teams). This will increase visibility of data spread across multiple platforms and centralize your efforts in one place.

7. Can you work from anywhere?

As you have seen, many professionals are more productive and profitable for their business when they have access to a mobile CRM. When looking for a customer management system, choose the one that offers your sales reps and support agents the same capabilities and knowledge they get from the desktop version.

8. Will the customer management system be able to accompany you in the long term?

According to Bain & Company , companies use, on average, 7 business management tools. Before choosing your software, ask about updates, integrations, and the ability to adapt to new technologies . In a continually evolving market, this is a fundamental element to maintain a competitive advantage.

Best practices for the support and sales team

It doesn’t matter if you have a large or small company, the CRM system is a great asset. Consult the best practices in support and sales to improve your business.

Best practices for support

When it comes to support, the customer is at the center of everything. A management and tracking system can help your agents:

1. Save time with automation

Eliminates repetitive data entry, avoids human errors and brings more efficiency to the care routine. And the best part: all in one tool.

2. Categorize tickets

The customer management system helps identify patterns in requests. This gives you visibility to recurring problems and gives you the opportunity to think of ways to solve them once and for all.

3. Demonstrate empathy

Understanding the pain of others is easier when we know them. Through a customer database, you recognize the preferences and needs of each one in real time.

4. Collaborate with other people

Do you ever feel like situations could have been avoided or simplified if teams talked to each other? A CRM makes it possible!

5. Reduce waiting time

Customers want to solve their problems as soon as possible. CRM software brings more productivity and precision to the help desk.

Best practices for sales

A CRM gives you the opportunity to track every sale , from start to finish. After all, the process is like fishing on the high seas: a big net is cast, but not everything collected is worth it. Check out some tips to improve the stages of your sales funnel with a customer management system.

Organize the information Collect data from phone calls, social media or marketing materials with ease. It is like a program for customer records, where the information is organized in individual files and can be accessed at any time without difficulties.
Find opportunities As an integrated tool, CRM allows the support team to notify sales representatives about customer conversations that could lead to business opportunities.
Segment the data In addition to creating a customer database, CRM helps you go one step further and provide a more personalized experience to your leads. You can segment by age, gender, income, region, industry, etc. Filter and sort the data as best suits you.
Rate customers Determine which of your leads are high value and worthy of your efforts. All you need is to preset a numerical score for each variable. For example: if you want clients who live in Guadalajara, those who meet the criteria get 10 points; those who don’t get 5 points.
Get an overview of the relationship How many times have your potential customers interacted with your company? What did they ask? What are your fears? The CRM provides a basis for collecting the answers to these qualifying questions and forming a record of the relationship that is just beginning.
Optimize your prospecting process A customer management system can help you identify recurring reasons for unqualified leads. Use this information to improve the prospecting process .

Success story: how Privalia reduced its response time by 75%?

In recent years, e-commerce has become an indispensable part of our lives. Whether for convenience or competitive prices, more than 50 million Mexicans choose to shop online.

Among these platforms, Privalia stands out , an outlet that offers discounted products from well-known brands in categories such as clothing, footwear, accessories and home products.

After many years facing obstacles with customer management systems that operated separate channels (social media, phone, email), the company decided in 2019 that it was time to adopt an omnichannel strategy.

With the support of Zendesk tools , they served more than 170,000 customers. They also began monitoring key metrics, such as the productivity of their 39 agents and ticket resolution times.

By the way, 80% of requests were resolved on the same day, which reduced the average response time by 75%. Adapting to the digital environment with a customer-centric vision yielded clear results: more satisfied and loyal customers . Privalia’s Net Promoter Score (NPS) jumped to 56.

The future of the customer management system

If there is one lesson we have all learned from the COVID-19 pandemic, it is that it is never too early to take action to ensure our success.

A Gartner survey identified the top 5 emerging technologies that will have the greatest impact on customer management and tracking. Knowing these initiatives can help you create strategic plans to make the most of the trends.

1. CRM and Artificial Intelligence

According to Statista , it is estimated that in the next five years the adoption of an artificial intelligence (AI) -based customer management system can generate US$394 billion in additional revenue.

AI analytical skills, combined with human insight, can continually optimize the messages and feelings a brand conveys in every interaction. Over time, this technology helps you make better decisions with less effort.

What can you do today?

To take advantage of new or existing systems powered by AI capabilities, Gartner suggests that you:

  • Identify pain points in the customer journey that cannot be resolved with traditional technologies;
  • Determine what you would like to achieve in your CX strategy ;
  • Automate data collection and analysis to boost machine learning and natural language processing.

2. CRM with virtual customer assistants and chatbots

The paradox of automation has arrived: more than 20% of people would like to solve problems on their own, but less than 30% of companies offer self-service, Zendesk’s 2020 Customer Experience Trends Report revealed .

Help center, knowledge base , FAQ section, chatbot , messaging apps… There are many tools you can adopt to perfect internal and external conversations.

A customer management system typically includes multiple channels, easing your agents’ workflow and allowing them to focus on more complex tasks.

What can you do today?

To make interactions more human without sacrificing efficiency, Gartner recommends that you:

  • You focus on automating simple and repetitive interactions, where you already have a good understanding of the customer’s needs and the data is not complex;
  • Survey your company to find the cases where self-service or chatbot will have the maximum impact;
  • Determine the new capabilities you will need from customer management software .

3. CRM and omnichannel

7 in 10 customers use more than one channel before purchasing a product, according to Harvard Business Review . Whether it’s to get more information or to get other people’s opinions, this is behavior you can’t ignore.

Omnichannel is about building a customer-centric culture . It is like a compass that guides every strategic decision of your business.

What can you do today?

Understanding how customers interact with your brand is the first step to creating a great, consistent experience, wherever they decide to chat with you. Gartner’s advice includes:

  • Determine how support and customer service stages operate;
  • Analyze and improve the performance of touch points;
  • Evaluate available data to understand the need for artificial intelligence technologies.

4. CRM and application architecture based on real-time events

Application architecture? The term may seem terribly technical, but the concept is quite simple. It is a map that indicates how an organization’s applications are organized in relation to the company’s infrastructure and how they interact with each other to meet its requirements.

Think of a library in your living room. In this analogy, the architecture of the application could tell you where the novels, short stories, and poetry are. It could also indicate whether Mexican literature is located close to Brazilian literature, in addition to their similarities and differences. A CRM for customer management with application architecture based on real-time events allows you to:

  • Provide instant guidance to users based on their needs at the moment;
  • Detect and act on commercial opportunities that appear daily;
  • Always be aware of strategic events and relevant updates.

What can you do today?

If you want to redefine the customer registration format and provide a better experience, Gartner suggests:

  • Formulate hypotheses about in which situations opportunities usually appear;
  • Reflect on how you can generate additional value or create new experiences for your customers;
  • Work with your teams to identify key business events and associated outcomes that define the service you provide;
  • Invite business analysts to reflect on what your company can do better based on the knowledge acquired.

5. CRM and Internet of Things

Internet of Things or IoT (acronym in English for Internet of Things) is a term used to describe a network that not only connects people, but also the objects that surround them.

It involves a wide range of smart objects working together to collect and analyze data and perform actions autonomously.

This means that in the near future your refrigerator will be able to detect that you are out of eggs and milk and place an order directly from the market. In turn, the establishment will deliver the items to your home, which will already be paid for with your virtual credit card, for example.

With just 620 such platforms worldwide, consumers have already spent US$115 billion . And the numbers are only growing: it is predicted that in the next three years, people will spend US$1.1 trillion.

What can you do today?

According to Gartner , the Internet of Things will provide additional touchpoints for people to interact and organizations to learn. However, when decisions are guided by algorithms and made by machines, where is the customer experience? To start taking this new world into account, experts suggest:

  • Identify Internet-connected devices that may be present in your clients’ routine;
  • Understand the function of the device and how it can influence the decision-making process;
  • Rethink how traditional customer experience processes can involve smart machines and objects;
  • Create a cross-functional team of data architects and scientists.

Don’t lose track with Zendesk!

In this article you learned what it is, what it is for and why it is important to have a customer management system in your company. You also discovered what types of CRM are available on the market with their pros and cons. In addition, you saw practical tips on how to choose the best platform according to your current needs and plans for the future.

If you want to take the next step today, Zendesk can help. With the complete customer service solution you are able to:

  • Accompany the client at all times of their relationship with the company;
  • Provide support on your audience’s favorite communication channels;
  • Monitor consumer behavior with automated reports;
  • Customize interactions at scale;
  • Anticipate your customers’ needs based on data;

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